вторник, 18 сентября 2012 г.

Higher education as a social institute

The modern higher school is the establishment giving not so a trade, but the vital reference points, the certain attitude. Role of the higher education accepting the most direct participation in education of intellectual elite, Belarus society keeping and developing such base value as culture, patriotism, morals, civilization, remains the most important. It is caused by a priority of the complete human person at the present stage. The major purpose of the higher school - to prepare the person for a life in an information society, to help it with mastering by information culture, to induce formation of own conclusions and decisions, to develop tolerance as qualities, which are necessary for the high-grade expert in XXI century.

In conditions of reform of an education system in our country all greater importance gets studying and the critical analysis of the tendency of development of higher education abroad. International scientific and technical and educational programs are effective and benefit the Belarus high schools by way of integration into the international educational space. They allow to study actual experience of foreign universities in the field of the adaptation to considerably changed economic, technological and cultural sphere.
The modern system of higher education as social institute represents dynamical system of social interaction of all subjects of educational process (the state bodies, administration of high school, the student, family of the student, the faculty, pedagogical community, law, manufacture, army, etc.). 

The success of reform of higher education in Belarus depends on efficiency of social interaction of all subjects of the educational process based on unity of their purposes, problems, acceptance of the general methodological approaches in reforming that demands full knowledge of positions of reform of all subjects of educational process.

n conditions of transition to an information society the maintenance and quality of higher education directly depends on introduction of new forms of the organization of educational process which already get institutional character (the distance and virtual education, etc.).

The social mechanism of management of higher education which is understood as social interaction of operating and operated subjects, rules of law, social institutes in sphere of training, education, socialization and vocational training of specialists in connection with development, acceptance and realization of decisions by means of which functioning higher education as social system is provided, should have always advancing character.

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