Modern higher education

Each change in the educational system must be based on the scientific analysis of the conditions and peculiarities of that system. The social functions of the higher school are considered as a category, which reflects a substance of the elements of the higher education system. During a specified time the component parts of the higher education system may be changed. At the same time those functions may be evolved too. Although the process of the functional changes takes place gradually and has an evolutional nature. The higher school as a very highly intellectual and mobile subsystem of the state and society is being transformed taking into account its peculiarities and its social role. The management in the sphere of higher education of the Republic of Belarus as important social regulator supports the appointed routine of the functioning and development of the higher educational system. The necessity of the development of new methods of the higher educational management in the Republic of Belarus is obvious.

The modern higher school is the establishment giving not so a trade, but the vital reference points, the certain attitude. Role of the higher education accepting the most direct participation in education of intellectual elite, Belarus society keeping and developing such base value as culture, patriotism, morals, civilization, remains the most important. It is caused by a priority of the complete human person at the present stage. The major purpose of the higher school - to prepare the person for a life in an information society, to help it with mastering by information culture, to induce formation of own conclusions and decisions, to develop tolerance as qualities, which are necessary for the high-grade expert in XXI century.

In conditions of reform of an education system in our country all greater importance gets studying and the critical analysis of the tendency of development of higher education abroad. International scientific and technical and educational programs are effective and benefit the Belarus high schools by way of integration into the international educational space. They allow to study actual experience of foreign universities in the field of the adaptation to considerably changed economic, technological and cultural sphere.

The content-analysis of publications in printed editions of Belarus for 2000-2006, devoted modernizations of higher education, has shown, that per 2000-2001 the number of favorable estimations and judgements concerning reform of the higher school of Byelorussia was maximal. During the given period of time was considered, that there is no more important problem, than development of a mental potential of the nation and perfection of education. For this reason reform of higher education was supported also the President, both by the government, and parliament.

Per 2000-2001 all have paid attention to the best practices of foreign countries in sphere of university education and as a concrete example of real reforming the higher school in our republic have lead a universal computerization. The beginning of reforms was necessary. If we form our nation we can get out on road of steady development, despite of all crises, defaults and other cataclysms. Staff and everything, that is connected with preparation of people, their adaptation in the different markets is and there is a main thing due to what our republic can take place. It is impossible to disagree, that such most serious process as reforming of system of higher education, demands not radical changes and momentary result, and laborious work and consecutive actions. In all civilized world the main task becomes not so much improvement of an available system of higher education which, however, always demands perfection, how many realization of modern concepts and application in practice of last achievements of a scientific idea. All it also has defined the maximal estimation of substantive provisions of carried out reform.

However per 2002-2003 the quantity of positive judgements concerning reform of higher education in Byelorussia has enough decreased, and in 2004 - were and are at all absorbed negative. During this period advice on perfection Belarus alma mater did not give unless lazy. There were a lot of such who put a rate of reform under doubt, conditions and terms of its carrying out. Hardly reform would be in such position if during a preparatory stage there would be a universal and more developed discussion of its problems, maintenances and technologies if the purposes of reform with its material maintenance from the state coincided.

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